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Gold Discussion

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Why Gold?
Gold is more than just another commodity, it’s a currency. It is THE currency that evolved in the marketplace over the last 5,000 years. The pressures of enormous debts will increasingly tempt the United States to lớn inflate the US dollar so much that it will become almost worthless, in order that the debts can be easily repaid in near-worthless dollars. Gold will gain as the falling US dollar destroys trust in fiat currencies. The finance industry & governments have promoted fiat currencies at the expense of gold in the public’s mind for decades. From here, the investing public’s attitude to gold can only become more positive sầu. Returning to currencies backed by gold is practical. Even the possibility that it might happen will cause the value of gold khổng lồ rise considerably. Governments & central banks have been suppressing the price of gold since 1995 by lending và selling their gold. They won’t be able to lớn keep it up forever. Then the price of gold và silver will soar.

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