Dakara boku wa, h ga dekinai

Due lớn the extreme amount of unclothed female chests in Dakara, Boku wa H! ga Dekinai, those black stripes almost killed the fun of watching the series.

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I would rather have sầu the godiva hair (they did it in some shots), or the lens flare/mist of the first episodes, or even the barbie doll treatment, but those blaông chồng strips were too much in the last episodes.

I am aware that probably the DVD are uncensored, if that is the case, I just want khổng lồ confirm it.



All six BD/DVD volumes of Dakara, Boku wa H ga Dekinai have sầu been released in nhật bản, & Volume 6 was released on February 20th, 2013. The BD version is uncensored as far as it is allowed for a non R18+ work.

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Here are a few comparison screenshots from Kira Đánh Giá. TV version on the left, uncensored BD version on the right. Both images are from volume 1 (episode 1 và 2).



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